Business Functions in Context II
B203B – First semester 2017-18
Tutor Marked Assessment
Information Systems for Human Resource Management
Essay Question (1000 words, 100 marks)
Accounting information systems are the oldest and most widely used information systems in business. Computer-based accounting systems record and report the flow of funds through an organization and produce important financial statements.
Write an essay to explain in some details the role of the accounting information system in achieving organizational objectives. In your essay discuss three of the most common accounting systems such as order processing, inventory control, accounts receivable, account payable, payroll, etc. Support your answers with relevant examples.
General instructions for students:
TMA weight: 20% of total course grade.
Cut-off date: Check LMS
Plagiarism: It’s imperative that you write your answer using your own words. Plagiarism will be penalized depending on its severity and according to AOU plagiarism policy.
Format: you are expected to write your answer in an essay format: introduction, body paragraph(s) and a conclusion. Failing to do so could result in the deduction of up to 4 marks from your total TMA mark.
Word count: your answer is expected to be within the specified word count range. Not adhering to specified word count could result in the deduction of up to 4 marks of your total TMA mark.
Referencing: You are expected to use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and list of reference at the end. Failing to do so could result in the deduction of up to 4 marks of your total TMA mark.
E-library: You are expected to use E-library sources to support your answers. A minimum of 3 sources is required. Failing to do so could result in the deduction of up to 4 marks of your total TMA mark.